Web Site Notes

The following pages are a fair reproduction of  the text and illustrations published in a book by the retired Governing Governor of HMP Pentonville (1997 into 2000) and author Robert S Duncan.

The nature of the internet does not lend itself to exact reproduction but does allow the reader to have an opportunity to read the text in isolation from the illustrations I have therefore supplied a link to each illustration or photograph at the point it appears in the publication.

For ease of loading the content onto your system I have provided access to the text chapter by chapter on the menu bar positioned at the side of each page.

Whilst Bob has retired from the prison service he remains interested and concerned in the welfare and improvement of prisoners conditions and opportunities for their development and rehabilitation. One of his great interests is in the area of literacy.  You might be interested to visit areas of interest to Bob.  (Please click on the Link on the menu bar)

If you would like to make a comment in the Guest book please do so.  If you leave your e-mail address Bob will be happy to respond.
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R S Outram  August 2005